Looking for answers to your gardening questions?
When it comes to learning about gardening, Google is your friend. At Curly Community Garden, much of what we know about gardening has come from visiting websites and watching YouTube videos. However, with so much information available, it can all become a bit overwhelming.
Like most things, when it comes to gardening, there is no one right way to do things - and what works one year, may not work the next. There is definitely a science to gardening, but there are so many variables that are out of our control that all we can do is keep experimenting and continue to learn from our own and other people's experiences.
We've compiled a list of some of the resources we've found particularly helpful. We've also included a few pages that detail different gardening methods we've used at Curly Community Garden. The list is by no means comprehensive and we don't pretend to be experts or have all the answers, but we hope that others might be able learn something from our successes - and failures. It's also a great way for us to keep track of them!
We hope to keep adding to this list of resources, so why not bookmark the page and check it out from time to time?
Keen to learn more about the science of gardening?
We highly encourage you to enrol in the online Science of Gardening course offered by the University of Tasmania as part of their Undergraduate Certificate of Sustainable Living. The University is offering 100% HECS fee waivers (i.e. the course is offered for free) to eligible domestic students in 2023 on all units in the the program.
For more information, visit the University of Tasmania Certificate in Sustainable Living page.