When you join Curly Community Garden you can attend our weekly Working Bees and enjoy your share of the harvest.
Membership provides opportunities to:
All plots are communal - individual allotments are not available.
The membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June, with a half yearly rate available from late December.
Garden Orientation sessions are held the first Saturday of every month, after the working bee, and periodically during a Wednesday afternoon working bee. New members are expected to attend an Orientation, but are welcome to participate at working bees before doing so.
Curly Community Garden uses TidyHQ - an online management tool - to help run our organisation. Before you can fill in the online garden membership form, you need to create a free TidyHQ account. Signing up for Tidy HQ is quick and easy, as the only information required is your email address, name and a password. Just click on the button below and follow the prompts.
Download a copy of our membership form and either email it to us or drop it off at the garden during one of our working bees.