Date: Saturday 16 November 2019
Time: 3:30 to 7:30pm
A Family Friendly event:
Please BYO plates, cutlery and beverages as well as a plate of fingerfood to share.

Date: Saturday 17 August 2019
Time: 4:00 to 7:00pm
A Family Friendly event:
Please BYO plates, cutlery and beverages as well as a plate of fingerfood to share.

Date: Sunday 7 April 2019
Time: 10:00am to 1:00pm
The Open Day is being held in conjunction with the Northern Beaches Native Propagation Nursery, located on the southern half of the bowling green.
The scheduled events include:
Please BYO reusable cup if you want to sample some Native Mint tea or other beverages!

Date: Saturday 23 September 2017
Time: 10:00am to 11:00pm
The Info Session is being held during one of our regular working bees. We'll be doing general garden maintenance from 9:00am and you are welcome to come early and join us for this.
The info session will include:
All are welcome to attend. Bring your family & friends!
Please join us make history in this great community initiative by helping set up the community garden!
Date: Saturday 12 November 2016
Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm (come for an hour or come for the entire time!)
Place: Western Bowling Green, North Curl Curl Community Centre, 2 Griffin Road, North Curl Curl
What's going to happen?
What to bring/wear:
You can buy a membership on our TidyHQ site at any point or at the Community Garden on the day, for $35 for an individual annual membership or $50 for a household. Or just drop in on the day to see what it's all about!
If possible, we strongly encourage you to bike or walk to the garden. Council has requested that garden members not park on site until after 9:30am on Saturdays.

Council staff will be available to answer questions and gather feedback at a Drop In Information Session held at the North Curl Curl Community Centre.
Location: North Curl Curl Community Centre
Date: Saturday 25 June 2016
Time: 2:00 - 3:30pm
Warringah Council held an on site workshop to discuss the future uses of the North Curl Curl Community Centre. They used a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) of the various options that have been proposed.
Date: Tuesday 8 March 2016
Time: 8:00pm
Place: North Curl Curl Community Centre, corner of Abbott and Griffin Roads
Warringah Council held a Drop In Session at the North Curl Curl Community Centre (formerly the Dee Why RSL Bowling Club) as part of the Community Consultation process to determine the future uses of the site. Curly Community Garden had an information stall there to promote the garden.
Date: Saturday 5 March 2016
Time: 10:30am - 1:30pm
Place: North Curl Curl Community Centre, corner of Abbott and Griffin Roads
An on site Information Meeting was held to raise awareness about the garden and to answer any questions the community might have.
Date: Saturday 5 December 2015
Time: 10:00am
Place: Corner of Pitt Road and Huston Parade, North Curl Curl

The Curly Community Garden Raffle was a HUGE success! Of the 560 tickets printed, 561 were sold! The last 58 (+1) tickets were snapped up the night of the draw at the Curl Curl Lagoon Friends AGM.
A big congratulations to the Enright family of Curl Curl, who won the first prize of two nights accommodation at a country cottage near Bowral, generously donated by Sustainable Gardens. The second prize, a $100 voucher for Stacey Claire Hair Artistry in North Curl Curl, was won by Robin. There were eight other lucky winners.
A massive THANK YOU to everyone who donated prizes, sold tickets and purchased tickets. We raised nearly $2,000 for the garden!!
These are the prizes that were generously donated: